Monday, July 30, 2012


(The week I was supposed to talk about this chapter I was here:)
Last Tuesday, while curriculum mapping at the Board Office my friend said she'd read Daily 5 and Cafe this summer! Another friend is on board, too!  I'm no longer the Lone Ranger!
  A little backstory: after discovering D5 two summers ago, I emailed our principal to tell him how wonderful it was.  He never responded in any way, but I went on my merry way, wondering how I'd got such a smart, well-behaved group of kids
  Fast forward to this year.  I have yet another, with little exception, smart, well-behaved group of kids.  We have a new superintendent.  He and his wife are really into literacy and we have monthly all-county grade-level meetings.  In January, I showed her my books.  She had heard of another county using them, and asked which I thought was the most important to read if you could only read one.  I couldn't decide, explaining how they go together and are short, quick reads anyway.  Now, I think I'd answer, "Daily 5, because you learn the framework to use, then add strategies from your school's reading program." 
What would you say?
 now without further adieu...
Belated Daily 5- Chapter 4
Read to Self
Love the Three ways to read a book lesson.  During my morning tanning time, I tried to decide what book to start with this year.  Decisions, decisions... 
I go ahead and launch Read to Self on Day 1 to get my routines started.  My free Lego magazines from last spring were in my school mailbox Friday.  They'll go in book baggies first thing- very high interest, lots of pictures.
I love how page 56 says children are placed around the room according to the comfort level of the teacher and each child.  Under desks and tables doesn't work for me but I've created some well-loved seating areas. 
Things I plan to do better this year:  Take my time during mini-lessons.  Page 56 reminds us to pause long enough for children to form pictures in their minds while reviewing I-charts.

Question:  Have my last two groups of kids been exceptional or is it the Daily 5 framework?  Discuss among yourselves :) 

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