Friday, November 21, 2014


     In my opinion, there are many things six-year olds shouldn't know about. A little girl should not know about her grandma's car "getting jacked" or that her family doesn't have any money until her dad gets up and goes back to work. The children in my class know not to talk about boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. I think they need to be little kids for as long as possible.
     Whole group read-aloud time is a perfect opportunity for little kid fun and today's book selection has been a classroom favorite two years running.
     Oh my goodness, just look at the bunny's face! Can't you tell this book is a hoot? There are only five words in this whole cause/ effect story. The pictures do their job perfectly. Imagine...angry bees, a grouchy bear, a handy flagpole?? The kids are eating out of my hand by the middle of this hilarious little book.
     After reading, we've started a daily Share the Pen activity. Instead of bad news (there's too much of that in their little lives) two children share good news and very good news. These sentences are proudly displayed in the hallway.
This book earned a five-star rating in our class. Try to check it out sometime.   


Tiffa said...

Oh my goodness! This one is a favorite here, too! The way the text and the illustrations work together is so much fun! We haven't read this one in awhile -- we'll have to bring it back out. Thank you so much for writing about it!

Kate said...

It's so easy for little ones to grow up too fast. I've always been thankful that our DD has always claimed that she wanted to be a kid for as long as possible. Being a grown up was forever, being a kid wasn't.

Patricia T. said...

Missed your post. I agree, kids need to be kids. We're pushing them way to fast in a very wacky world so out of balance! We retained our innocence for so much longer. Love your book choice!