Peanut-butter Cookie Tasting!
At the top, classic peanut-butter cookies with crissy-cross fork marks.
Bottom left is hiding a mini Snickers bar inside.
Bottom right, peanut blossoms using a tiny Reese cup.
After two happy days of tasting, we decided the peanut blossoms were the best, second place went to the classic, just like Mom made. Even in third place, the Snickers were really good. I wouldn't say no if someone offered me another one.
Which would you choose?
Deuteronomy 5:29 NIV stood out today while catching up on my 90-day Bible reading:
Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever!
I will have to try making those Reese's peanut blossoms!
They are great! I made them in a mini-muffin tin and the super tiny Reese cups are from Kroger.
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