Sunday, April 1, 2012


Spring Break!
Out with the OLD (totally reliable, never a minute's trouble)
and in with the NEW (to me)
Nice to meet you!
I've kept both of my cars (my first was a little white Geo Metro Convertible- a Barbie Car) for ten years.  Trusting that this one lasts just as long.  No car payment for 5 years, but now- wow

I'm sure you've heard the latest findings- Autism prevalence is now 1 in 88 children.  If you don't know a family affected by Autism yet, you probably soon will.
Today's tip:
When you see a child acting up in the grocery store (or Target- my favorite) give the child (and the mom) the benefit of the doubt.  You really don't know their story and what they may be dealing with.
What the heck- let's just give everybody the benefit of the doubt.  


Cassandra said...

Nice looking vehicle! Congrats on getting a new one. :)

Deanna said...

Oooo...shiny! Congratulations.

In a favorite hymn of mine is says: Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee.