Saturday, March 7, 2015


Typical Saturday?

Last night, before bed, Colton asked, "Do you promise you'll make baked ziti for breakfast?" No, I wouldn't promise, but I did make ziti at 8:00 am. For breakfast.

Listening to big clods of snow slide off our roof. Wondering, like last week, is this our last day to enjoy being snowed in?

Heard a pop! from the 30+ year-old tv in my bedroom. The picture shrank to a narrow line in the middle of the screen. A burning metallic smell. Unplugged it quickly. Watched it in my bedroom as a teenager, moved it five times during my marriage. It may be about time for a new one.

What's next?


Loralee said...

I enjoy being snowed in too!

We had a high school TV that we used too.:0) I think it made it to 25 years!

Tara said...

What a perfect way to begin a snow day - with the aroma of ziti!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your description of the TV. Good luck with buying a new one. Love that you made baked ziti....interesting breakfast choice.

Vicki Boster said...

Oh yes-- the blessed drip drip drip of melting snow. It was truly beautiful..,,, now I want it gone!! Spring is almost here--- say that 3 times fast and click your heels!!

Stacey Shubitz said...

Baked Ziti for breakfast gave me a laugh. That sounds like something my daughter would ask for. (She told me she wanted me to make cookies for dinner last week. At least Baked Ziti is a bit more nutritional!)

Kate said...

Baked ziti for breakfast sounds like fun. Sorry about the TV, sounds like it had a nice long life (LOL).