Thursday, March 7, 2019


Frozen pizza and Diet Coke for breakfast
Twelve computers logged in
RtI cancelled
Read The Dot
Practiced /ea/ words
Sorted /ai/ /ay/ /a_e/ words
Peanut m&ms and water for lunch
Playtime in the gym 
Counting, addition, subtraction, missing addend,
graphing, shapes in Math
(Love my new book- spiral review like Saxon)
Wrote a sentence
Computer time
Weekend food bags sent home today 
in anticipation of snow
Happy regular Thursday!


Emily Culbertson said...

I love lists. Maybe I think in lists. Usually, I want to use a list for a slice, thinking it's going to be "easier", and then I work like a dog trying to make it something. Thanks for sharing your list slice!

Kim Van Horn said...

I love lists, too! I have often contemplated making a list of the questions I am asked each day... or even just how many questions I´m asked! Or a list of all the things I actually accomplish AFTER coming home from work... and then show my husband! Petty? Maybe... ;-)

Elana said...

I enjoy the lists too. Now that I teach K-1, I might have to try this. What an interesting post it would be. Oh, and happy snow day!